Procurement activities

Aeromar is one of the undeniable leaders in the catering services market in Russia. We guarantee the quality and safety of on-board catering and provide timely, high-class service.

The remaining purchases of JSC Aeromar are available at

Открытые закупки АО «Аэромар» на ООО «ЭТП ГПБ»

Go to tender

Attention! Recently, cases of fraud have become more frequent!

On behalf of JSC Aeromar signed by Yulia Viktorovna Fedorova, Head of the Supply Department of DME (tel. + 7-919-784-16-02), Senior Manager of the Supply Department of DME, Dmitry Viktorovich Sokolov (tel. + 7-916 -530-56-73), as well as on behalf of Abliev Ruslan (tel. + 7-968-000-06-74) sending out various legal entities with a proposal to prepare a package documents for participation in the procurement. The above persons do not work and have never worked at JSC Aeromar.


All procurement activities of Aeromar JSC are carried out by the procurement and competitive activities department of the DMET. Procurements are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities."

We hereby inform you that JSC Aeromar carries out its procurement activities strictly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement (223-FZ).

Once again, we draw your attention! The most current information on the procurement activities of Aeromar JSC is published on the official website  -